Last year, 7venth Sun Brewing Company had an idea to host a festival at their place on Braodway in Dunedin featuring some new and rare beers not yet seen in Tampa Bay Beer Week. What started off as one brewery hosting one event to end the week of weeks for Florida beer has now transitioned to several events throughout the community of Dunedin.

What used to be simply “Hunahpu Hangover Day” is now “Tampa Bay Beer Week Wrap-Up in Downtown Dunedin.” Instead of one event, there will be multiple events, beginning with the three listed, one from Founders Brewing, one from Dunedin Brewery, and Hunahpu Hangover Day at 7venth Sun.

*Founders Brewing will host a beer brunch at the Dundedin Smokehouse.
*Dunedin Brewery will host a Nelson Sauvin hopped beer takeover.
*7venth Sun’s Hunahpu Hangover Day.
*Other events listed as they’re announced.

By mark