We would love to work with your bar, restaurant, brewery, or business!
Our editor is a Certified Cicerone® and he has consulted with businesses on the current state of craft beer, beer styles, and beer selection.
We also offer presentations to your group, library, or organization about the history of craft beer, specifically Floridian craft beer, dating back to its origins.
Please reach out to mark@floridabeernews.com for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Florida Beer News present to my group, library, or historical society?
Yes! We love talking about beer. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities of a presentation. We do charge fees based on your location. (We are based in Tampa and we have to prep and travel.)
Can I send a press release to Florida Beer News?
Yes! We love information. This business is a labor of love, so we welcome any information sent to us. We will create a post as soon as possible!
Will Florida Beer News accept sponsored posts?
Sometimes. We offer limited opportunities for sponsored posts IF THEY ARE FOCUSED ON FLORIDA in general or CRAFT BEER. Please contact us if you need more information.
Can I send samples to Florida Beer News for review?
Yes. We do accept samples for review and will post about them when possible. PLEASE NOTE: samples are best if the beer is available or going to be available in Florida. Contact us for shipping information.
I work for Anheuser-Busch/ MillerCoors/ Heineken. Can I send a sponsored post or will you review this blog/ book/ movie?
Please do not send this type of information to us. We will politely decline. Our editor feels strongly that large brewers have monetary and human resources at their disposal that does not necessitate our help. We strive to be a voice for the independent breweries of the craft beer world. While ABI, MC, HUSA, and others make great beer, we choose to devote our very limited resources (both time and money) to helping to spread the word about small and independent breweries.