Barrel of Monks Brewing Logo

Boca Raton is soon going to be riding a wave of beer from all of the new South Florida breweries that are in various stages of opening. Barrel of Monks Brewing Company is a labor of love for owner Bill McFee, and Tuesday night he got one step closer to opening: the Boca Raton City Council passed a resolution for a conditional approval of the brewery’s location.

From the Broward New-Times:

Barrel of Monks will be a 9,136-square-foot brewery, including an 867-square-foot tasting room. Most of the space will be taken up by brewing equipment and the necessary storage requirements to maintain production to one of the local distributors.

The attached tasting room is being slated to operate from 4 to 8 p.m. during the week and from 2 to 9 p.m. on weekends. This is partially due to conditions laid down from all parties involved that revolve around traffic and parking requirements.

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