Bonita Brewfest launches phone app linking fest and patrons

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Bonita Brewfest launches in less than two weeks, and to help connect festivalgoers and the festival itself, the organizers have launched a new app for iPhone and Android.

The app, available at both the Google Play store and the iTunes store, provides brewer locations, beers available (as many as are provided to organizers), and a festival map right on the smartphone.

About Bonita Brewfest:

Enjoy unlimited 3 oz. samples of some of the best craft brews from Florida and beyond. Brew Fest offers the perfect environment to explore new styles and find your next favorite brew. There will be a variety of hard ciders available to tempt your palate as well.

Bonita Brewfest will take place on Saturday, February 7th at Riverside Park in Bonita Springs.

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