Brad Dahlhofer of B. Nektar Meadery is the latest guest on the BeerWise Podcast

Hello, and welcome to the BeerWise podcast, this episode I am joined by Brad Dahlhofer of B Nektar Meadery.

Brad Dahlhofer of B. Nektar Meadery is the latest guest on the BeerWise PodcastIn 2008, Brad and his wife Kerri had both been laid off from their jobs and were enjoying Brad’s homemade mead when they decide to go all in on the idea of opening a craft meadery. Brad and Kerri’s ideas continued to evolve and morph until B. Nektar’s deep blue bottles were introducing new audiences to mead all over the Midwest and leapfogging a few states into my home state of Florida.

Brad talks about the early days of B. Nektar, why he and Kerry decided to go all in on mead, the world’s oldest, yet widely forgotten beverage. How he began to build a meadery and how much diligence and luck it took the team to get where they are today.

You can listen to the podcast online here or on your favorite podcast platform. Remember to subscribe or follow so you don’t miss an episode!

Thanks for joining us in the journey of the BeerWise Podcast, hosted by Mark DeNote – editor of Florida Beer News.

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About B. Nektar Meadery
B. Nektar Meadery was founded in 2006 by Brad and Kerri Dahlhofer. Brad has been an avid homebrewer since 1998, making beers, meads, ciders, and wine for his own enjoyment. When Brad and Kerri had been laid off from their jobs in the early 2000s, they decided to open a meadery in Ferndale, Michigan. After nearly two years since its inception, B. Nektar finally opened its doors on August 2, 2008 (National Mead Day).
B. Nektar’s session meads and hard ciders are now shaping the craft revolution. To say it’s been a long road from the home-brewing days would be a tremendous understatement, but B. Nektar continues to increase production capacity and is currently the largest meadery in the U.S.A.


By mark