Cask & Larder combines forces with the Bach Festival of Winter Park for Bach Beer

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Press Release: For the third consecutive year, Cask & Larder Brewery and the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park will collaborate on a limited edition beer release to commemorate famed 18th century German composer Johann Sebastian Bach, a noted beer lover. The 2017 Brandenburger Bock will debut during a special beer release party at The Ravenous Pig on Saturday, Feb. 18 from noon to 3 p.m. The event will also feature live performances by the acclaimed Bach Festival Orchestra, who will treat the audience to selections from Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos.

The annual Brandenburger Bock, brewed by Cask & Larder’s head brewer Larry Foor, will be produced in a style that mimics the methods of brewing in Germany during the 18th century to ensure the beer is similar to the ones with which Bach was so smitten. In addition to unveiling his newest beer, Foor has invited several other local breweries, including Redlight Redlight, Central 28, Crooked Can, Ten10 and Red Cypress Brewery to also pay homage to Bach. Each brewery will serve its own German-style beer at the event.

“The Brandenburger Bock is one of the beers I look forward to brewing the most each year and this year’s release has added significance coming off the 500th anniversary of The Reinheitsgebot, which are the German beer purity laws limiting the ingredients in beer,” said Foor. “The Brandenburger Bock is brewed each year in adherence to The Reinheitsgebot, using only barley, water, hops and yeast.”

The harmonious collaboration between Cask & Larder Brewery and The Bach Festival Society came to be after Bach Festival Society Conductor, Dr. John Sinclair, shared the contents of a 300-year old letter Johann Sebastian Bach wrote to a friend proclaiming his love for a barrel of beer he had received as a gift. Betsy Gwinn and Alex Tiedtke, of the Bach Festival Society, approached Foor about brewing a beer in a style similar to the one Bach wrote about to celebrate the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park’s 80th anniversary in 2015. Now approaching its 82nd Annual Winter Park Bach Festival, from Jan. 29- Feb. 28 the Winter Park ensemble is the third oldest Bach Festival Society in the United States.

C&L Brandenberger Bock

“We are excited to introduce the Bach Festival to new people and connect with the Winter Park business community,” said Gwinn. “This partnership is a fun way to celebrate the annual Bach Festival and introduce new audiences to our programming. With three new performances on the Festival, this year there are more opportunities than ever to bring the music of the Bach Festival Choir and Orchestra to new audiences.”

The Brandenburger Bock release party will also feature a special German food menu from The Ravenous Pig to pair with the beer. The menu includes: Pretzle Dogs with Joyce’s mustard, Creamy Sauerkraut Dip with Caraway Chips, Corned Beef Crostini on Pumpernickel and Chicken Schnitzel Sliders with Beer Cheese. In addition to The Ravenous Pig menu, Swine & Sons will have an outdoor grill with a variety of sausages available for purchase.

The limited edition beer will be available on tap at The Ravenous Pig until it runs out and also will be sold in 32-ounce and 64-ounce to-go growlers. Additionally, Swine & Sons will have 32-ounce to-go crowlers for purchase. Cask & Larder Brewery will donate $1 from each Brandenburger Bock sold to the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park.

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