Cigar City Brewing re-enters Georgia market

Tampa’s Cigar City Brewing has made headlines lately with additional tanks and fermentation along with new beers and a gold Great American Beer Festival medal, Florida’s only 2013 medal.

Now Cigar City is undertaking distribution outside of Florida again. Cigar City has been a Florida-only brewery since pulling out of every market but Florida due to their wonderful problem: not being able to keep up with demand. Now Cigar City is re-entering Georgia slowly. From their Facebook page:

Hello, Georgia friends. Some of you may have noticed seeing some CCB beer around the state lately. Well we are proud to say that we are officially distributing back to your fine state and loving the feedback so far!

For now we can’t promise the moon and the stars, but we are sending some of our core beers to be distributed to the smaller, local independent bottle shops and bars. Eventually we plan to be everywhere, but it’ll take some time!

Cheers guys!

By mark