Cigar City, Intuition Ale Works, Brewers’ Tasting Room collaborate

Before the weekend that ended Hunahpu Day, Cigar City owner and CEO Joey Redner and brewer Keegan Malone had an outing to Saint Petersburg’s Brewers’ Tasting Room (BTR) and were joined by Intuition Ale Works’ owner and brewer Ben Davis. What came next was a collaborative effort described by BTR owner Rick Wolfe as “what happens when you put really smart brewers together and let them go.”

Wolfe was impressed with the outcome: an imperial oatmeal rye India black ale with an original gravity of 10.8. It should take 2-3 weeks to ferment out, and then the beer (which has yet to be named) will start gracing the taps of Brewers’ Tasting Room.

The name of the game at Brewers’ Tasting Room is small batches and limited supply, as the small brewery has a one-barrel brewing system. Wolfe said that “it was great to be a part of brewing with these smart guys [being] creative in small batches… when they’re in their zone.”

Brewers’ Tasting Room is located at 11270 North 4th Street in Saint Petersburg.

By mark