Citrus Park Brewery is bringing BBQ and beer together

By mark Apr 30, 2015

Citrus Park Brewery, the craft brewery located inside the Citrus Park House of Beer in Odessa, is bringing barbecue and beer back together like a family reunion. The craft brewery, who works to have about 8-12 taps of house beer on at all times, is hosting several events in the coming weeks to showcase their beers.

What’s on tap for Citrus Park Brewery:

May the 4th: Star Wars Day- the brewery will have half the drafts representing Star Wars and the other half representing Star Trek. This is the beer battle equivalent to the Starship Enterprise taking on a Star Destroyer. Who will win? Only the fans can decide. For more details visit the event page.

July 17th: R.I.S. Day- the brewery will showcase their Russian Imperial Stout that is three months in the making. This beer clocks in at over 10% alcohol and will be named by a brewery customer. For more information, visit the event page.

The brewery also is looking to compete in the Tampa Bay BBQ Brawl, which is currently taking votes for the best BBQ joints in Tampa. For more information, see the voting page and cast a vote for the best.

Citrus Park Brewery is located inside the House of Beer at 8552 Gunn Highway in Odessa.

By mark