Coppertail’s Cap’n Jack is having a stone crab boil

Coppertail Brewing realized that they had a great problem when making Cap’n Jack’s Stone Crab Stout. This was a beer whose byproduct, aside from a great stout, was a boatload of stone crabs ripe for the eating. This year, their problem is Tampa’s delight, as they have brought in LoKo Cuisine to serve up some tasty victuals with these quirky crustaceans.

From Coppertail Brewing:

Each year our head brew master Casey brews up a hearty stout called Capt’n Jack’s Stone Crab Stout, named for Jack Davis, the Key West fisherman friend who sources the crabs, and steeps 200 pounds of Florida stone crabs claws in the boil to impart a savory briny note to the beer.

This year we’ve teamed up with LOKO Cuisine to create a stone crab stout boil dinner to celebrate this luscious chocolaty dark stout.

Tickets for this event may be purchased here:

Tickets are $50 each and includes : 2.5 pounds of stout boiled and chilled stone crab per person, 3 sides, sauces and your first beer.

To make things even sweeter were tapping 2014 Capt’n Jack’s Stone Crab Stout, Armagnac Barrel Aged Stone Crab Stout and Captain Caliente Stone Crab Stout pepper treatment exclusively for ticket holders.

Coppertail Brewing is located at 2601 East 2nd Avenue in Tampa. The Cap’n Jack Stone Crab Stout Boil will take place on December 10th. The trouble starts at 7:00pm.

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