Miami- While space on Florida Beer News is generally reserved for beer releases and information about craft breweries and the craft beer market, every once in a while a charitable cause comes up that preempts some of the news.

The story started on the beer website and has picked up steam throughout the craft beer scene in Florida. See the original post here.

A synopsis of the story:

A member of the BeerAdvocate community posted that his friend was expecting twins and during the pregnancy the friend’s wife had a stroke. She was unable to wake up and an emergency delivery was performed. The twin grils, Amelia and Zoe, were brought home from the hospital on June 10th, but their mother was unable to wake up. On June 12th, their mother passed away after several days of little to no brain activity.

The friend who posted on BeerAdvocate has had several positive responses from the craft beer community. Several brewers in Miami are hosting an event on Saturday, July 6th at MIA Brewing Company in Doral, Florida to help raise money for the Zoe, Amelia, and Family.

There will be a raffle of rare beers and many members of the craft beer community have pledged their help.

If you are unable to attend, a PayPal account has been set up:

By mark