Crops n’ Hops Brewfest to be hosted a Geraldson Community Farm

Press Release:

Geraldson Community Farm is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 20-acre Certified Organic CSA Farm located in Bradenton, Fl. Our mission is to provide the community with safe, healthy, and fresh vegetables throughout Florida’s growing season. We are looking for your support in making our first ever Crops n’ Hops Barnhouse Brewfest a great success.

Crops n’ Hops Barnhouse Brewfest is happening Saturday, Feb. 28th from 1pm to 4pm at Geraldson Community Farm. Tickets are priced at $50 for VIP with the perk early admission at 12p and a special beer tasting. General admission is $35 and a 1pm farm entry. The event will feature a variety of local craft beer vendors, local artisans, bakers and crafters. With a main stage and a day full of musical performances, the Crops n’ Hops Barnhouse Brewfest promises to be a great event.

For more information on Crops n’ Hops, please see the Geraldson Community Farm Facebook page.

By mark