Dunedin Brewery’s Stogies and Stouts returns for a 14th year

One of the only beer festivals dedicated to one style, Dunedin Brewery’s Stogies and Stouts returns for the 14th year.

From Dunedin Brewery events page:

Join us for our 14th Annual Stogies & Stout. This event (always the last Saturday in February) is a celebration of dark beer, cigar smoke & live music. The fest will take place on Saturday, February 28 from 7:00pm – 11:00pm.

$35 includes commemorative tasting glass, choice of cigar & access to 30+ Local & National stouts on draft. Live music by Lingo (from Atlanta, GA). $45 includes meal voucher.

Limited to 350 people.

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dunedin-brewery-stogies-stout-2015-tickets-15071992736

By mark