Florida Beer Company brings Kelly’s Hard Cider to Tampa

Kelly’s Hard Cider, the first cidery in Florida, will be coming back to the Tampa market in January of 2014.

Kelly’s Hard Cider is a traditional cider combining imported apple juice, Champagne yeast, malic acid, cane sugar, and water to produce both a traditional and a raspberry hard cider. According to its label, Kelly’s is “crisp, refreshing dry beverage with a clean finish.”

Florida Beer Company representative Tom Barris had promised: “We will be updating the label and image of the brand along with a few cider events showcasing Cider Firkins and promoting our cider heritage here in FL.”

Kelly’s Cider has won numerous medals in its day, including a Gold Medal at the NABA (National American Brewers’ Association) in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007 and Silver in 2011.

Kelly’s info, events, and tappings will be featured as soon as they become available.

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