Grasslands Brewing Company

Grass Lands Brewing, Tallahassee’s up-and-coming craft brewery is getting closer to opening every day. Recently, the Tallahassee future brewery has given a few hints as to the proximity of opening day.

From the Grass Lands Brewing Newsletter:

The upcoming delivery of our 2.5 bbl pilot system is eagerly awaited – mainly because we’ll be able to bang out much bigger batches to bring to events and the like in the future.

We anticipate the taproom to be fully-functional by the middle of December, which positively feeds into our anticipated launch timeline of sometime in January 2015! We’ve got some cool things planned for a grand-opening, as well as several invite-only soft launches. Good things are on the menu, so to speak 🙂

Next up is some serious elbow grease we’ll be putting in following the general contracting clean-up in the taproom that’ll take place next week prior to Thanksgiving.

GrassLands is working hard to get their brewing operations and tasting room open and functional. Look for more news in the near future.

By mark