In a much-anticipated announcement, the world-renowned Belgian lambic brewer Cantillon posted on Friday, August 13th that St. Petersburg’s Green Bench Brewing was chosen to host Zwanze Day, a one-day celebration of lambic that includes tapping a keg of Cantillon Zwanze 2021, only available at host locations.
About Zwanze Day:
Zwanze Day is the annual celebration of Belgian beer, especially that from Brasserie Cantillon.
The celebration originates when Cantillon founder Jean Van Roy found bottles of his very limited beer, Zwanze, on sale on eBay for massive amounts of money. Van Roy decided that he wanted to get his beer to as many people as possible and not only the fortunate few Wh would then sell his beer, so he transformed Zwanze Day from a bottle release at the brewery to a draft-only release in a limited number of very select bars around the world. Hosting Zwanze Day involves an application and being selected by Van Roy.
Zwanze Day 2021 will take place on September 25th.
About Zwanze 2021:
While the release of Zwanze is the same every year, the beer is not. Each year the beer or blend of beers is different, making this release unique from any other. This year, Zwanze will be called “Parasol” based on the brewery’s description.
Green Bench Brewing is located at 1133 Baum Avenue in St. Petersburg. More information will be posted as it becomes available.
If a road trip sounds enticing for this annual beery celebration, the next closest beer establishments to host Zwanze Day are The Avenue Pub in New Orleans and The Porter in Atlanta.