Hunahpu Day tickets sell out in less than two minutes

The graphic was released: “Hunahpu Day is coming March 14th, 2015.” People were excited.
The ticket price was released: “$200 per ticket.” People balked.
The draft list was released: “An insane number of beers previously unheard of in Florida.” People were excited again.
The members of Cigar City’s reserve society, El Catador Club, got first crack at tickets and the tickets were selling.
The public release came last night, and in less than two minutes all 1,232 tickets were sold.

From Cigar City:

Hunahpu’s Day 2015 is officially SOLD OUT!!
In less than 2 minutes, we saw all 1,232 tickets in people’s shopping carts. Clearly people are excited for the resurrection of Hunahpu’s Day! And so are we.
March 14th can’t come soon enough. See you guys there!

This should certainly show that the craft beer industry in Florida promotes tourism, as people from around the United States will descend upon Tampa to attend this festival.

For more details, visit

Hunahpu Day will take place on March 14th, 2015 as one of the culminating events of Tampa Bay Beer Week. Cigar City Brewing is located at 3924 West Spruce Street in Tampa.

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