The wagon to welcome New Belgium Brewing Company into the state of Florida will be a long one, and several markets have already set their sites on launch parties. Details of launch parties will be posted as they become available.

New Belgium will be launching their beer statewide for retailers to order from them on the 29th of July, and the beer should be delivered on the 30th of July. That beer will initially come in the form of 22oz bottles, and limited cans of Shift lager.

The rollout will include:

*Fat Tire Amber 22oz
*Ranger IPA 22oz
*Sunshine Wheat 22oz
*Trippel 22oz

Also entering the market are limited amounts of:

*Cascara Quadrupel
*Feijoa Trippel
*Shift 12oz cans

More New Belgium bottles, cans, and seasonals should arrive in mid-September.

Details on release events for each Florida market should follow shortly.

Thanks to J.J. Taylor for helping with this article.

By mark

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