Orlando Brewing marks 1000 batches

Orlando Brewing began before many of Florida’s current craft breweries. The brewery was the first in Florida to be certified organic and has been cranking out core beers, most in line with the Bavarian Purity Law, or Reinheitsgebot. Only within the last few years did Orlando Brewing Company (OBC) begin the Violator series with beers that violate the purity law that says only malt, water, hops, and yeast can be used to make beer.

Fast forward to July 31st, 2014 and Orlando Brewing is celebrating 1000 batches of beer. What beer would do the honors and commemorate this occasion? A double IPA.

From Orlando Brewing:

On Thursday, July 31st, we brewed our 1000th batch at Orlando Brewing and really wanted it to be something special. How about a 10% Double IPA? We added organic centennial hops every 10 minutes for 90 minutes for a whopping 100 IBUs.

We can’t wait to introduce Grand O’ Hopry, #1000, to your taste buds…it’ll make you sing!

Orlando Brewing is located at 1301 Atlanta Avenue in Orlando.

By mark