Ormond Brewing Company of Ormond Beach has been operating for just over a year now and is set to expand the operation.

The Ormond Beach Craft Brewery has a good problem: they have been operating at capacity for the better part of 11.5 of the 12 months the brewery has been open. Now, according to an article in the Daytona Beach News Journal, the brewery will be adding “adding six new fermenters and two conditioning tanks that will expand its production capacity to 3,000 gallons a week, up from its present 270-gallon capacity. The brewery is also adding a canning machine.”

In addition, the brewery will be making the 4,000 square foot space next door to them into operational space (previously it has been used for storage).

About Ormond Brewing Company

Ormond Brewing Company is an Ormond Beach, Florida based craft brewer. Ormond Brewing Company began as a friendship between homebrewing enthusiasts. After meeting in 2011 and sampling one another’s brews and thereafter collaborating on many successful small batches of beer it was decided Ormond Beach, a city rich in history, lacked a craft beer culture. After uncountable hours of hard work in September 2013, Ormond Brewing Company became Volusia County’s first brewery.

By mark