Dogfish Head Brewery on BeerWise Podcast

Mariah Calagione and Andrew Greeley of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery on the BeerWise Podcast

Recorded in November of 2021, this episode of the BeerWise podcast features Mariah Calagione. co-founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery and Andrew Greeley, founding manager of the Dogfish Inn. Florida Beer News editor Mark DeNote talks to the pair about their new book authored with Dogfish co-founder Sam Calagione called 26 Off-Centered Years. The pair were gracious with their time and spoke about the book, the history of the brewery, and what’s next for Dogfish Head with mention of their new facility in Miami, Florida.

New Episode of the BeerWise Podcast featuring Nick Walker of Ology Brewing

Nick Walker of Ology Brewing is the latest guest on the BeerWise podcast

Recorded in September of 2021, this episode of the BeerWise podcast features Nick Walker of Ology Brewing. Florida Beer News editor Mark DeNote talks to Nick about Ology’s growth and after the show was recorded, Nick dropped the bombshell that Ology would be the next tenants of Angry Chair Brewing’s Florida Avenue location. In the episode, he simply teases the reveal, but after it was recorded, Nick and company were kind enough to allow Florida Beer News to release the information first.

New episode of the BeerWise podcast featuring Kent Bailey of Coppertail Brewing

Listen to Coppertail Brewing owner Kent Bailey on the BeerWise Podcast

On the latest episode of the BeerWise Podcast, editor Mark DeNote talks to Coppertail Brewing owner Kent Bailey about the brewery’s quest for hops, some of the awesome beers the brewery has fermenting, and the origin and state of the brewery’s partnership with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.