Point Ybel Brewing to celebrate bottle release and concert

Point Ybel Brewing Company Logo

Point Ybel Brewing Company has just taken to social media and their newsletter to tell the world about their first-ever bottle release that will coincide with a concert from Roadkill Ghost Choir performing at the brewery for a second time.

From Point Ybel:

Point Ybel would like to welcome back Roadkill Ghost Choir to our tasting room, Hurricane Hole, on November 22. This time they are bringing friends, with Redfeather from St. Petersburg opening for this show.

This will be the official retail bottle release for “A Blow to the Head,” the Belgian-style Imperial IPA we did for the band’s first show at Point Ybel. This will be our first official bottle release. A Blow to the Head is named after a track on Roadkill’s new album, “In Tongues.”

For ticket information, click here.

Point Ybel Brewing Company is located at 16120 San Carlos Boulevard in the Point Ybel section of Fort Myers. Their first bottle release/ concert will be held on November 22nd. The trouble starts at 7pm.

By mark