Swamp Head Brewery to release a wild ale

By mark Jun 27, 2013 #craftbeer #flabeer
Swamp Head Brewery Logo

Gainesville- Like a teaser trailer for a summer blockbuster movie, Gainesville’s Swamp Head Brewery released a banner on Facebook today that simply showed a psychedelic version of Saison du Swamp’s label with the word “Brettanomyces” underneath.

Bottles of Brettanomyces Saison du Swamp will be available at The Wetlands Tasting Room on Tuesday, July 2nd. No word yet on bottle limits.

Florida Beer News has reached out to Swamp Head to see if this bottling of Saison du Swamp with Brettanomyces is the beginning of a sour or wild ale program, or if it is just one beer in a bottle never to be seen again.

More about Brettanomyces, this is a wild strain of yeast that is much feared in the wine world for the off-flavors that it produces in wine. Beer brewers have been known to court brettanomyces for the flavors they can impart on a beer, ranging from “pineapple” to “earthy barnyard” to many variations in between.

More on this beer as information becomes available.

saison brett

By mark