The Grateful Pumpkin returns to Orlando

Orlando Brewing reminds everyone that despite some sky-high heat indexes, fall is coming. This weekend Orlando Brewing will bring back their organic pumpkin ale, The Grateful Pumpkin.

From the brewery’s website:

Grateful Pumpkin is our organic spiced pumpkin ale that was first brewed one year ago, christening our Violator Series. Graeme has whipped it up again, tweaking the recipe to make this beer better than ever. Grateful Pumpkin is brewed with the perfect combination roasted, caramel and chocolate barley. The Magnum and Fuggle hops give this beer a slight bite that is quickly followed by a moderately spiced taste. Using organic cinnamon, ginger, allspice, pumpkin pie spice and a touch of pumpkin, we’ve created a beer that will fall into your mouth!

To celebrate the release of this gourd beer, Orlando Brewing will also host a Pumpkin Showdown will possible prize money.

Bring your pumpkin pie, cake, cookie or other baked good along with the official form and $10 entry fee to the Orlando Brewing Taproom by Thursday, August 22nd to enter the contest.

By mark