Today is the day that Coppertail Brewing has been waiting for since Kent Bailey and Robb Larson got together and spelled out the details for the company many moons ago. Today is the day when all of the construction, all of the delays and headaches, and all of the hard work should pay off: today their brewing equipment is to be delivered.

The heavy rigging equipment should arrive some time this morning and work will begin as soon as possible. Kent Bailey writes in the Coppertail Blog, referring to today as D-Day (delivery day, that is):

As I’m writing this one of the D-Day trucks has arrived early. It’s evening and we can’t unload the truck until the heavy rigging equipment gets here in the morning. The driver, Rick, has parked his flatbed tractor trailer bearing one of our bright beer tanks behind our warehouse where he tells me he’ll sleep until morning.

Tomorrow the trucks will begin lining up behind him. Tomorrow there will be ropes and pulleys, chains and hoists. Tomorrow there will be spitting and cursing, sweating and shouting. Tomorrow we build a brewery.

I’m glad Rick can sleep tonight. I’m not sure I will.

Coppertail Brewing is one step closer to opening. Congratulations to Kent, Robb, and Casey for this next step in the evolution of their brewery.

By mark