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Miami’s J. Wakefield Brewery sent out an email yesterday to everyone involved in the brewery’s reserve society, the OG’s. That email included information about their bottles, but more importantly, it gave a few details about how construction and equipment are coming along.

Here are the highlights:

*”We are a week out from starting demolition on the brewery.”

*”After [demolition] we will start the build out on the brewery and tasting room.”

*” Equipment is slated to arrive March 4th from DME.”

*”we are projecting to have product to market by April.”

*”A note about the [reserve] society – your membership will not end till we get all of the promised bottles to you guys.”

*”The two berliners [Miami Madness and PFDF] are indicative of the fruit seasons so more than likely Miami Madness will be released late summer and DFPF in the winter.”

*”I will confirm at this time that Miami Madness, DFPF, and barrel aged Nothing will be part of the OG Society releases.”

*”We are already in contact with barrel suppliers to start securing barrels for the barrel (OG) program.”

*”We will be releasing more details on the Grand Opening party in the coming months as well as the Donor party.”

By mark